Trends Impacting Inland Northwest Multifamily

In the fourth quarter of 2022 our team surveyed the market and identified three trends we expect to see in multifamily investing the next 12-18 months. These trends impact every owner and investor in the market. 

The backdrop:  Record rent and value growth from 2020 to 2022 made every multifamily investor look like a genius, with limited operational efficiency or skill required. Now, rents are flat-to-down and values are reversing their trend. 

So, what’s next?  We dive deep into these trends and how they may impact you in this report. We expect to see:

Depending on your investing objectives, these trends will impact you in varying ways. 

Looking back on this report we created in Q4 2022, all 3 of these trends have come to life and moreso. We are keeping a close eye on all three elements, and you can read more in our construction pipeline and additional reports.

Interested in diving deeper into the 3 trends impact inland northwest multifamily?

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