June 1, 2022

Multifamily Market Updates: June 2022


Interest rate hikes have substantially impacted the overall market and the real estate market, but I'm seeing minimal impact here in the Inland Northwest. Why? And what does this mean for you? Keep reading for a breakdown.

I've diverged from my typical newsletter format (overall market, multifamily, development, and local news), given how much the interest rate environment impacts all categories.

Rate Recap

Overall Market

The real estate market is changing rapidly, driven almost entirely by the Fed's rate increases. The most impacted sectors are as follows:

I anticipate pricing will continue to be flat or begin to trend down from January here in the Inland Northwest.

Why is the Inland Northwest Middle Market unaffected?

What are savvy investors doing?

Do you want to make sure you have cash to capitalize on upcoming opportunities? Reach out and we can put a portfolio plan together, so you're in the best position moving forward. If you wait to make portfolio moves once the market has changed, it will be too late, and your competitors will have cash to deploy while you sit on the sidelines.

Even though it's been an uncertain week in the rate environment, deals are still available. Speaking of opportunities, do you want to see deals from our team before they hit the market? Let me know what interests you from the below and I'll make sure you receive the details soon.

If you want to discuss the overall market and local impact in more detail, please give me a ring, I look forward to the conversation. You can reach me on my cell any time - (509) 221-9354


Mason Fiascone

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