Values are instilled into every decision the Multifamily Mason team makes across the business, big or small, everything we do is through the lens of our core values.
- Telling the truth and doing the right thing is a given on this team. Acting with integrity is primary to every element of the business, and applies to all elements of our lives, personal or professional.
- For our team, integrity means that with every decision, we ask ourselves: “If everything we said, did (or didn’t do) was published on the front page of the newspaper the next day, would we be happy with the result, and would our clients and those we worked with be happy with what they read?”
- Real estate can present precarious situations for all those involved. There are often conflicts of interest, emotional decision-making, or cut-throat actions taken by those involved, presenting challenging situations to our integrity as a team. We will always act with integrity, evaluating every action through the lens of doing what is right, not only what is beneficial to our team.
- This may often mean “losing” to a competitor, but if “winning” requires compromised integrity, it is better off that we lose in that situation.
- We are a team of experts in our niche and craft. We are students of our sector, we learn from others, we hire other experts to train and coach us, and we position ourselves as an advisory team in the market, not just another brokerage team.
- We know that multifamily investments hinge on upstream data and information on the market itself - population, employment, lifestyle, demographics, private/public partnerships, and more - so we study and find this data, and turn that data into insights for our clients and prospective clients
- Our narrow focus and relentless pursuit of our niche (multifamily assets in the inland northwest) is what enables us to develop this mastery and provide insights to clients and prospects. This requires focus and determination to avoid distractions that pull us away from our niche.
- We take ownership in every element of the business, from the day-to-day details of each team member to the results of our clients.
- Every team member takes ownership of the business, the decisions they make within their role, and the impact their work and decision-making has on the team and our clients as a whole. Instead of thinking, “Someone is going to review this work anyways, so I may as well just take a quick first pass and let them finish it.”, we think, “I know that the more I own this task and deliver to my best ability, the better the team will operate and the more we’ll accomplish our goals, so I’ll give this task my best.”
- Ownership means we evaluate and understand the impact of each decision and task on the business as a whole. On its impact to our team members, to our business goals, to our clients and our stakeholders. In practice, we put ourselves in our stakeholders’ shoes and ask questions like:
- If I was the client, how would I want this information presented to me?
- If I was the other broker, how would I want the team member to respond to my email?
- If I was a buyer, how would I best receive the information on this upcoming deal or opportunity? Or the news that I lost this opportunity?
- If I was the tenant, how would I want this unit to look after the cleaning?
- If I was the title company, how would I want to receive this communication?
- If I was the graphic designer, how would I want to receive the briefing for this new project? What information would I need to make this a success?
- If I was a stranger to this team and heard about them from a friend of a friend, what would they say about us?
These values are meant to be the north star for our team in every decision we make. When faced with a new task or a decision to make, revisit these values, apply them to the situation at hand, then make a decision and execute the task according to these values and the below principles. You will find the solution comes easier than you expected.